Moritz Moszkowski (1854 - 1925)

A pianist and composer, Moritz Moszkowsky was born in Breslau and made his early career in Berlin before moving to Paris in 1897. He enjoyed a reputation as a pianist, a conductor, and a composer of, in general, lighter music.

Piano Music
Moszkowsky’s two books of Spanish Dances, originally for piano duet and then arranged for solo piano, had considerable contemporary appeal and were echoed in the ballet music of his less successful Spanish opera Boabdil, der letzte Maurenkönig (‘Boabdil, the Last King of the Moors’). Other piano music includes a set of Concert Studies, a set of Miniatures, a Suite and the Caprice espagnole.

Orchestral Music
Moszkowsky attempted the exotic in his suite Aus aller Herren Länder. His compositions for orchestra include a Piano Concerto and a Violin Concerto.